Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Day Job...the Highlight of my Career

So needless to say I have been very busy lately trying to complete some custom orders that I have during the night, but during the day I have been Potty Training my son like crazy. Can't complain at all though, because it is really paying off.

This past weekend I came up with a great idea in my mind. I created a Potty Chart and a Treasure Chest for my son, so that we could embark on our Potty Adventure. The Potty Chart I created is broke down into 13 weeks and every time he pees or poops on the potty he gets to add a star to the chart.

We started off saying that every 10 stars in a week he gets to pick one toy out of the Treasure Chest, but we had to change that as soon as he decided he was going to pee on the potty a total of 7 times in the first we changed the 10 stars to 20+!

I have to say I am one proud mama. Within one week of training he was already coming up to us and telling us he had to go "pee-pee". It is the cutest thing in the world when he comes up and say "pee-pee, mama"! So this week I purchased a folding potty seat to take out with us during the day and some cloth training pants, just in case he decides to go in his undies while we are out and about.

Here are just a few photos of his potty chart and treasure chest. Please excuse my painting job, painting is not one of my big strenghts.

Here he is getting his first toy from the Treasure Chest...he had a total of 43 stars this week!


  1. he is sooo cute! That potty chart is so clever! Isn't it about time for baby number 2? lol...

  2. Awwww...what a sweetie - brings back wonderful memories.
